The Afton Township Board
Meets on the Second
Tuesday of each month
at 7:00 p.m.
Elva Town Hall
16029 Walker Dr., DeKalb
Providing our local community with quality and prompt service, recreation, and fiscal responsibility with taxpayer resources.
See the Road District Information page for changes coming to the intersection at Route 23 & Perry Road.
**Crego Road end is now a cul-de-sac.
Welcome To Afton Township
This website was prepared by your township officials and is dedicated to improving communications between township residents and your elected officials and staff. It provides information about township meetings, departments, services, and facilities and includes a phone directory of commonly called numbers.
It is our sincere hope that this website will increase your awareness of the township government. In particular, we hope it will convey our desire to serve your needs and assist you in any way possible, including local property maintenance, public parks, homeless shelters, and more!